Ronnie Brown

By: Ronnie Brown on November 27th, 2021

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Understanding How ASTM Standards Affect Particle Size Analysis

Particle Analysis

If you work within the particle analysis industry, you know that a handful of instruments go into producing accurate and repeatable test sieve analysis results. To ensure these instruments are working effectively and efficiently, there are many standards put in place that manage how the various instruments are produced and used.

Now, if we reflect on the accuracy of your process, this mainly falls onto the test sieves that you use. To ensure an acceptable level of accuracy when your test sieves arrive, it is best to partner with a manufacturer that follows ASTM standards.

But it's vital that you understand why these standards are important to your test sieve analysis process before investing time and money into your next test sieve stack.

As W.S. Tyler has spent the past 140 years constructing and perfecting high-quality test sieves, we want to be the voice that guides you through the many facets of these standards, so you know what to look for when creating a more ASTM-compliant operation.

To fully breakdown what the ASTM standards mean to you and how you implement test sieves, the following article will be discussing:

  • What ASTM standards entail
  • Why it's important to partner with an ASTM compliant manufacturer
  • How W.S. Tyler works to comply with ASTM standards
  • How ASTM standards play a role in the production of sieve cloth


What Do ASTM Standards Entail?

ASTM is an organization that is responsible for standardizing the way various materials, products, services, and systems are developed. When it comes to wire mesh production, W.S. Tyler complies with the ASTM E11 standard.


The E11 standard was designed to oversee the test sieve manufacturing process. Specifically, it dictates the requirements for the mesh openings, wire diameter, frame height and diameter, and the way the screening media is mounted.


Why Work With an ASTM-oriented Company?

ASTM standards are put in place to ensure that products you invest in perform as intended. In the case of the E11 standard, this entails that your sieves will produce accurate and repeatable results.

Additionally, working with an ASTM-oriented manufacturer will better your odds of complying with the ancillary ASTM standards that oversee how you test various materials. This includes:

  • Aggregates (ASTM c136-14)
  • Metal powders (B214-16)
  • Plastics (D1921-18)
  • Powdered pigments (ASTM D3451)


How Does ASTM Standards Affect W.S. Tyler’s Process?

As stated above, W.S. Tyler has developed an operation that closely follows and complies with the ASTM E11 standard. To assure customers of the quality of their sieves, we send a documentation of certification with each sieve.

To best comply with the parameters of the standard, this documentation provides insight into the sieve specifications. You can expect to see:

  • The exact certification standard
  • Certification grade
  • Serial number
  • Sieve Mesh Count
  • Mesh Material
  • Sieve Material
  • Nominal mesh opening
  • Nominal wire diameter

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How Do ASTM Standards Affect the Production of Sieve Cloth?

When we get down to brass tacks, W.S. Tyler is a wire mesh and particle analysis company. As test sieve analysis is our bread and butter, it only makes sense that we focus on producing ASTM compliant sieve cloth to create quality test sieves.

Now, this means that we must follow specific guidelines during the weaving process. This is to ensure the mesh meets a certain firmness threshold when in roll form and falls within an acceptable tolerance range.

To that end, the wire weaving process isn't always perfect, and slight flaws in the mesh are to be expected. Following the ASTM E11 standard helps to ensure these flaws don't hinder the mesh's overall functionality and performance.

That said, ASTM standards allow for roughly four flaws, often referred to as blemishes, per 100 feet.


The Most Dependable Sieves Are Calibrated

ASTM standards, specifically the ASTM E11 standard, play a critical role in implementing test sieves that facilitate test sieve analysis results that are consistently reliable. When the E11 standard is implemented with the other ASTM standards that oversee the handling of material, you can genuinely develop a quality control program that preserves customers satisfaction and your brand's reputation.

While not all test sieve analysis operations are the same, and not all must comply with ASTM standards, something that is universal no matter what your operation looks like is the importance of accuracy. The best way to ensure your sieve openings are accurate is to have your sieves calibrated.

Here at W.S. Tyler, we like to say we don't sell mesh; we sell openings. We say this because we know that accurate mesh is what leads to desirable results.

This is why we take pride in offering several test sieve calibration services.

To get a better idea of what test sieve calibration options we have to offer and which one may be right for you, read the following article:

About Ronnie Brown

Ronnie is the Content Writer for W.S. Tyler and has four years of experience as a professional writer. He strives to expand his knowledge on all things particle analysis and woven wire mesh to leverage his exceptional writing and graphic design skills, creating a one-of-a-kind experience for customers.

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