W.S. Tyler Blog

Efficient Carbon Capture: Where Does Woven Wire Mesh Fit?

Written by Ronnie Brown | Jun 7, 2024 6:45:12 PM

When you work in or around carbon capture, you learn that capturing CO2 can become a relatively involved process. Doing so requires you to integrate equipment that works well together not only to ensure accurate carbon dioxide separation but also to ensure your equipment remains in tip-top shape.

Through the years, woven wire mesh has asserted itself as a versatile screening media that delivers a balance of precision, durability, and customization that can be leveraged for better results. But what exactly is woven wire mesh, and how do its functions fit in the world of carbon capture?

W.S. Tyler has spent the past 150 years working towards a cleaner, safer world through the use of woven wire mesh solutions fabricated with precision in mind. This endeavor includes helping the carbon capture industry advance.

With that, this article was written to highlight the various roles woven wire mesh plays in a successful carbon capture process. You will learn:

  • The definition of Carbon Capture
  • The definition of woven wire mesh
  • The benefits of woven wire mesh in the carbon capture industry
  • How woven wire mesh is used to facilitate carbon capture


What Is Carbon Capture?

Carbon capture, also referred to as carbon capture and storage, is a process designed to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from various industrial operations. It entails capturing CO2 before it can reach and cause harm to the atmosphere.

As time goes on, carbon capture is gaining a lot of traction, leading the push towards receding the effects of greenhouse gases and mitigating climate change. The revolutionary process is also linked to innovation that promotes cleaner energy sources and a reduction in fossil fuel usage.

Not to mention the economic impact it could have, generating jobs in the industries it influences.


Carbon Capture Methods:

  • Direct Air Capture (DAC)
  • Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC)
  • Oxy-Fuel Combustion
  • Membrane Separation 
  • Pre-Combustion Capture
  • Post-Combustion Capture


What Is Woven Wire Mesh?

Woven wire mesh, or simply woven wire, is a versatile screen and filtration material that is comprised of hundreds of metal wires interlaced to form a grid-like pattern. A weaving technique that resembles the techniques used to weave various fabrics, is used to create specific patterns like plain weaves, twill weaves, etc.


Get to know how woven wire mesh is made in the article below:


Each weave, of course, has its own beneficial qualities that will allow you to accommodate your strength, flexibility, and screening/filtration requirements.

The weave pattern is not the only aspect of woven wire that can be tailor-made. In fact, parameters such as wire diameter, opening size, and alloy can all be customized based on your specific needs.

This, alongside its impressive durability, corrosion resistance, and heat resistance, is allowing woven wire’s popularity within carbon capture applications to grow.


Why Use Woven Wire Mesh for Carbon Capture?

Several screen/filtration materials can be used to help facilitate the various steps in carbon capture. Woven wire, however, stands out as it offers a slew of benefits that give users an advantage.

For example, the material is known for delivering unprecedented customization that ensures peak filtration capabilities. In turn, this allows you to achieve an industry-leading level of CO2 separation.

Another benefit of note is that woven wire delivers unmatched durability. Constructed from a wide range of metal alloys, woven wire can perform in the harshest of conditions without deforming or losing performance.

Its metallic construction also contributes to its enhanced corrosion resistance.

These beneficial characteristics work in conjunction to project your carbon capture process to greater heights. They do so by promoting effective screening, purifying captured CO2, and minimizing the risk of contamination.


How Does Woven Wire Mesh Fit Into the World of Carbon Capture?

As it offers a vast list of customization options, woven wire can be fabricated to accommodate several facets of carbon capture technology. Not to mention, its metallic construction enables it to withstand the harshest of conditions.

For this reason, the versatile material can be seen in filtration, absorption, supportive, and heat exchange elements within carbon capture systems.



Outfitted with fine, uniform pore openings, woven wire mesh is a preferred solution when separating CO2 from other gases. This same functionality also makes it ideal for filtering out particulate matter.

Because it is so precise, this filtration and screening performance holds up at various stages of the carbon capture process. In the long run, this will help you maintain a more efficient operation.


Absorption Systems

Woven wire’s filtration and separation can applied to contain absorbent materials when they are needed to conduct carbon capture. Keeping these materials inside the reactor column will boost the efficiency of your process without hindering gas flow.


Supportive Structure

The rigidity woven wire offers allow it to serve as a supportive structure for catalysts. The material helps to create the stability and durability needed to execute the chemical reactions that capture CO2.

You can also use woven wire as reinforcement for the membranes often used during the separation process. It provides the mechanical strength you need while the pore openings maintain an efficient flow of gas.


Heat Exchange

Certain carbon capture processes are heavily reliant on maintaining specific temperature ranges. Woven wire can help operate within allotted temperatures, as its thermal conductivity traits and mechanical strength allow it to serve as a heat exchange element.

When applied correctly with the right parameters, woven wire will efficiently transfer heat, enhancing the efficiency of your process.


Elevate Your Carbon Capture Process With the Right Woven Wire Alloy

Woven wire mesh is a versatile, durable, and precise screen media that, when used correctly, can be integral to the success of a carbon capture process. Whether serving as a filter, heat exchange, absorption, or supportive role within the process, the beneficial qualities of woven wire are proven to excel.

Getting to know what woven wire mesh is and how it functions within the carbon capture industry is just the tip of the iceberg. Taking your process to the next level will require you to gain insight into specific aspects of woven wire mesh, such as what alloy to use.

For over 150 years, W.S. Tyler has remained dedicated to providing innovative, tailor-made solutions to create a cleaner, safer world. This is why we strive to help the carbon capture industry reach new levels of efficiency and sustainability through quality wire mesh.

Read the following article to gain insight into what alloy(s) may be suitable for your next woven wire solutions: