Ronnie Brown

By: Ronnie Brown on January 24th, 2025

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How the Percentage of Open Area Affects Woven Wire Mesh Performance

Wire Mesh | Filtration

Achieving an ideal balance between durability and functionality is often the key to operational success in particle screening and filtration. But what if that balance was dependent on a detail that is often overlooked: the percentage of open area in woven wire mesh?

Think of it like this - no matter what your application looks like, every detail matters.

If your wire mesh has too much open area, you risk losing strength or precision. Too little, and your system's efficiency can be bottlenecked.

The percentage of open area is the crossroads where peak performance and dependable functionality meet.

But what exactly is the percentage of open area of woven wire mesh? Why does it matter? How is it calculated?

Here at W.S. Tyler, we are committed to providing insight that empowers you to precision-engineer woven wire mesh solutions that promote innovation.

With that in mind, this post was created to help you unravel the importance of the open area percentage of your wire mesh and help elevate your processes to new heights. You will learn:


  • The definition of the percentage of open area
  • Why the percentage of open area is key
  • How the percentage of open area is calculated
  • The mesh specification that will influence the percentage of open area of your mesh
  • What to consider when selecting the percentage of open area


What Is the Percentage of Open Area of Woven Wire Mesh?

open-area-percentageThe percentage of open area is a term used to illustrate the ratio of open space of a wire mesh weave compared to its total surface area. Expressed as a percentage, this particular wire mesh specification is key to the weave's material flow, filtration efficiency, and screening capacity.

The percentage of the open area can be determined by analyzing the relationship between the mesh opening size and the diameter of the wires. The relationship calculates how much of the mesh surface is unobstructed and can be used to determine the geometry of the weave.

While open area percentage is a standardized property of woven wire mesh, it's a value that varies depending on the weave type.


Why Is Percentage of Open Area Important?

The percentage of open space is critical when designing woven wire mesh solutions. It affects the materials' filtration, screening, and separation performance. The higher the percentage of open space, the easier it is for materials to pass through the mesh.

In other words, a higher open area allows for increased flow rates and throughput efficiency. These benefits, in turn, make this particular specific critical when precise particle retention is required.

A high percentage of open areas promotes a more productive operation for specific applications, such as mining and aggregate screening. This is because the unobstructed characteristics of the weave can process more material in less time.

Not to mention, an increased open area percentage works to reduce pressure drop.

That said, higher open area percentages sometimes require thin wire diameters to be used, which can reduce the overall strength of the weave. Therefore, to ensure optimal performance and durability, you must balance the other specifications of the weave.


How Is the Percentage of Open Area Calculated?

The percentage of open area in woven wire mesh is calculated by analyzing the open spaces and total surface area of the mesh. The following formula is then used to calculate the percentage of open area:




Using this formula, the opening widths designate the gap size between the wires, whereas the wire diameter designates the thickness of the wires. The sum of the wire diameter and open widths is combined, referred to as the total pitch, to designate the center-to-center distance between wires.

Using the formula, let's say you are working with a wire mesh weave that utilizes wires with a diameter of 1mm, an opening width of 3mm, and a total pitch of 4mm. Using the formula, you will find that your mesh has an open area of 56.25%.

In other words, over half of your mesh is open or unobstructed. Understanding this is important, as this calculation is key to determining how well the mesh will perform in a given application.

Free educational guide to industrial woven wire mesh

Key Factors That Influence the Percentage of Open Area of Woven Wire Mesh

Several factors play a major role in the percentage of open area of a weave. The more notable factors include the mesh count, wire diameter, and opening width.

When you specify a higher mesh count or thicker wire diameter, the percentage of open area is reduced. Creating larger openings by specifying thinner wire diameters or lower mesh counters will increase the open area percentage.

The weave type is also integral to the percentage of open area. When looking at the various plain, twill, and Dutch weaves, you see that certain weaves have tighter specifications.

Tighter weaves will generally produce a lower percentage of open area.

Another factor to consider is the wires' alloy. When stronger alloys like stainless steel are used, thinner wire diameters can be achieved without sacrificing durability.

These durable thin wire diameters can increase the percentage of open area without risking the integrity of the pore openings.


Get to know more about the key wire mesh specifications and their role in the article below:

Choosing the Right Percentage of Open Area

Several application requirements should be considered when selecting an appropriate percentage of open area. Flow rate, particle size, mesh strength, and operating conditions all play a role in this percentage.

If you are attempting to optimize a high-flow process, you will want the open area percentage of your mesh to be as high as possible. A high percentage will allow for peak throughput with minimal resistance.

On the other hand, if your operation is designed to deliver precise particle retention or fine filtration, you will want to determine the lowest possible open area percentage your process will allow. Lower open area percentages will effectively capture smaller particles.

But if your operation requires handling abrasive materials without hindering productivity, you will want to calculate a balance between open area percentage and durability. Nonetheless, you can consult with your wire mesh supplier to ensure your specification delivers the performance and longevity you need to achieve operational success.


Maximize Performance With the Perfect Weave

The percentage of open area is a key factor in how woven wire mesh performs, playing a role in everything from flow efficiency to particle retention. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of this paramount specification will allow you to better align your mesh solutions with your application's needs.

However, the percentage of open area is just the beginning when selecting a woven wire mesh solution that promotes operational success. The weave you choose, for example, can further influence your mesh's strength, efficiency, and overall performance.

For over 150 years, W.S. Tyler has strived to make the world cleaner and safer by providing woven wire mesh solutions that institute innovation and help you achieve lasting results.

To learn more about the difference between the different weave types and which one may be best for you, check out the article below:

About Ronnie Brown

Ronnie is the Content Writer for W.S. Tyler and has four years of experience as a professional writer. He strives to expand his knowledge on all things particle analysis and woven wire mesh to leverage his exceptional writing and graphic design skills, creating a one-of-a-kind experience for customers.